internet. The World Wide Web. The information super highway.
all have ideas. We all have thoughts.
of us hide them deep within our souls, afraid to release them for
whatever reasons
us from doing so. Fear. Insecurity. Uncertainity.
Whatever reason.
am not one of those people. I have thoughts and ideas. Thoughts
and ideas that I feel the must be shared with the world.
goes the same with my interests. Interests are a curious and wonderous
thing. They tell much about the person and in a strange way perhaps
society as a whole.
lead to a better understanding over all.
feel that we all want to contribute to society in some way or another.
go as far to say that we all want to be a part of history.
in my own concieted way perhaps that it why I created the SANATORIUM.
wanted to share my ideas, my thoughts, my interests with the
world in hopes that somehow, somewhere I would impact someone
who encountered it's workings.
live through our interactions with others. The more we come in contact
with, the more we influence, the more we make think about their
life and life in general.
I am way off base. Perhaps I expect way too much. I doubt it
though. Someone will find at least something that strikes their mind,
or at the very least find something that catches their interest.
I can say now is I hope you enjoy my creation and try to give you a background
of why I did some things and answer any questions you may have.
name SANATORIUM is a variant spelling of SANITARIUM, the spelling
is indeed correct.
meaning is essentially the same. Basically institutions where the
sick are treated. Usually sicknesses such as tuberculous and the
like. The idea came to call my site THE SANATOIUM came as a tribute
to the Halloween movies. Micheal Myers was kept in a sanitarium for
fifteen years prior to his escape. It was a center for mental illness
there, sociopaths, psychopaths, and other mental related illnesses.
Insanity came to signify that particular institution. And it was
a subtle ( or perhaps not so ) way to show that the site contains things
that while very normal can denote some sickness behind it. Mental
sickness, of course. Just a part of the little game I play.
The mind is a great and powerful tool. You should have fun
with it. Anyway, I digress. I chose the variant spelling
because it isn't as seen as much as the "sanitarium" version therefore
held a certain amount of uniqueness to it. Which is good.
info to come..........
then go to the results of the madness
ever growing, ever expanding...